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PhD Student of Civil Engineering

Northwestern University


I joined Professor Cusatis' Research Group as a Ph.D. Student in Fall 2017 at Northwestern University. I earned her Master degree in Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering) from Iran University of Science & Technology. For the master thesis, I worked on the Numerical Evaluation of Crack Initiation and Growth in Notched Concrete Beams under Monotonic Loading.



Current Research

Discrete Fresh Concrete Model (DFCM): Formulation and Validation for Standard and Printable Concrete

3D printing is poised to become a disruptive force in the construction industry. While more and more researchers are working on developing novel and appropriate concrete mixes as well as 3D printing technologies, only a few and rather limited computational models are available in the literature. Nevertheless, engineers need simulation tools for the optimization of the construction process to obtain maximum energy, money, and time-efficiency.

The main objective of this project is the formulation of the Discrete Fresh Concrete Model (DFCM) to simulate fresh concrete using discrete element method (DEM) in which the interaction among spherical particles is governed by a visco-plastic constitutive equation. Unlike conventional DEM, in which contact models are governed by force-displacement constitutive equations, the formulated DFCM is based on stress-strain constitutive equations by which the behavior of fresh concrete can be described by parameters of the same type as those used for modeling hardened concrete.












                                           High Viscous Concrete                         Low Viscous Concrete


Simulation of Cementitious Materials Additive Manufacturing

The utilization of an automated structural construction technique, such as 3D printing, for manufacturing became unquestionable. Indeed, 3D printing is poised to become a disruptive force for the construction industry. While more and more researchers are working on developing novel and appropriate mixes, as well as 3D printing technologies, only a few and rather limited computational models, are available in the literature for the design and analysis of 3D printed structures. Nevertheless, engineers need simulation tools for the optimization of the construction.

The main objective of this project is to present the design of a numerical concrete 3D Printing Simulator (3DPS) coupled with a Discrete Fresh Concrete Model (DFCM) to simulate accurately the rheological and mechanical behavior of material before, during, and after printing. The simulator, including the actual printer components (nozzle, hose, etc.), is managed by a G-code driver to optimize the printing process and the material flow during printing. 



Simulation the fresh concrete hardening process


More information on research topics coming soon

Optimizing sustainable reconstruction in an era of increasing disasters


This is a project related to the optimization of house/building design in the aftermath of disruptive events such as earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. Particularly for economically underdeveloped countries communities. This work would be the continuation of a collaboration between Northwestern and WWF focusing on disaster relief in Nepal. For this purpose, a multitude of different aspects including material behavior, structural performance, economics, societal aspects and much more must be taken into account for optimization.

Calibrating of Lattice discrete particle Model Parameters for Fine Aggregate Sizes

More information on research topics coming soon

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