Angiolilli, Michele, Amedeo Gregori, Madura Pathirage, and Gianluca Cusatis. "Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) for strengthening historical stone masonry structures: Experiments and computations." Engineering Structures 224 (2020): 111102.
Mercuri, Micaela, Madura Pathirage, Amedeo Gregori, and Gianluca Cusatis. "Computational modeling of the out-of-plane behavior of unreinforced irregular masonry." Engineering Structures 223 (2020): 111181.
Dönmez, Abdullah, Christian Carloni, Gianluca Cusatis, and Zdeněk P. Bažant. "Discussion of the article “On shear in members without stirrups and the application of energy‐based methods in light of 30 years of test observations”." Structural Concrete.
Nguyen, Hoang Thai, Madura Pathirage, Gianluca Cusatis, and Zdeněk P. Bažant. "Gap Test of Crack-Parallel Stress Effect on Quasibrittle Fracture and Its Consequences." Journal of Applied Mechanics 87, no. 7 (2020).
Nguyen, Hoang, Madura Pathirage, Masoud Rezaei, Mohsen Issa, Gianluca Cusatis, and Zdeněk P. Bažant. "New perspective of fracture mechanics inspired by gap test with crack-parallel compression." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2020).
Tong, Danyang, Susan Alexis Brown, David Corr, and Gianluca Cusatis. "Wood creep data collection and unbiased parameter identification of compliance functions." Holzforschung 1, no. ahead-of-print (2020).
Ceccato, Chiara, J. G. Teng, and Gianluca Cusatis. "Numerical prediction of the ultimate condition of circular concrete columns confined with a fiber reinforced polymer jacket." Composite Structures (2020): 112103.
Shen, Lei, Weixin Li, Xinwei Zhou, Jun Feng, Giovanni Di Luzio, Qingwen Ren, and Gianluca Cusatis. "Multiphysics Lattice Discrete Particle Model for the simulation of concrete thermal spalling." Cement and Concrete Composites 106 (2020): 103457.
Shen, Lei, Qingwen Ren, Gianluca Cusatis, Maosen Cao, Lei Xu, and Yin Yang. "Numerical study on crack thermal resistance effect on thermo-mechanical coupled behavior of concrete structure at room temperature." International Journal of Solids and Structures 182 (2020): 141-155.
Dönmez, Abdullah, Christian Carloni, Gianluca Cusatis, and Zdeněk P. Bažant. "On Critiques of Energy-Based Size Effect Law for Beam Shear and Punching." (2019).
Rezakhani, Roozbeh, Mohammed Alnaggar, and Gianluca Cusatis. "Multiscale Homogenization Analysis of Alkali–Silica Reaction (ASR) Effect in Concrete." Engineering 5, no. 6 (2019): 1139-1154.
Chen, Jiaojiao, Xin Cai, Erol Lale, Jie Yang, and Gianluca Cusatis. "Centrifuge modeling testing and multiscale analysis of cemented sand and gravel (CSG) dams." Construction and Building Materials 223 (2019): 605-615.
Pathirage, M., D. P. Bentz, G. Di Luzio, E. Masoero, and Gianluca Cusatis. "The ONIX model: a parameter-free multiscale framework for the prediction of self-desiccation in concrete." Cement and Concrete Composites 103 (2019): 36-48.
Salviato, Marco, Viet T. Chau, Weixin Li, and Gianluca Cusatis. "Grips for a linear fracture testing machine and method of designing same." U.S. Patent 10,416,053, issued September 17, 2019.
Troemner, Matthew, and Gianluca Cusatis. "Martian Material Sourcing Challenges Propel Earth Construction Opportunities." Matter 1, no. 3 (2019): 547-549.
Salviato, Marco, Kedar Kirane, Zdeněk P. Bažant, and Gianluca Cusatis. "Mode I and II interlaminar fracture in laminated composites: a size effect study." Journal of Applied Mechanics 86, no. 9 (2019).
Carloni, Christian, Gianluca Cusatis, Marco Salviato, Jia-Liang Le, Christian G. Hoover, and Zdeněk P. Bažant. "Critical comparison of the boundary effect model with cohesive crack model and size effect law." Engineering Fracture Mechanics 215 (2019): 193-210.
Huynh, Hai Dong, Minh Ngoc Nguyen, Gianluca Cusatis, Satoyuki Tanaka, and Tinh Quoc Bui. "A polygonal XFEM with new numerical integration for linear elastic fracture mechanics." Engineering Fracture Mechanics 213 (2019): 241-263.
Ju, Taeho, Jan D. Achenbach, Gianluca Cusatis, Laurence J. Jacobs, and Jianmin Qu. "Wave mixing technique for nondestructive assessment of alkali-silica reaction damage in concrete prism samples." In AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 2102, no. 1, p. 110004. AIP Publishing LLC, 2019.
Rahimi-Aghdam, Saeed, Zdeněk P. Bažant, and Gianluca Cusatis. "Extended microprestress-solidification theory for long-term creep with diffusion size effect in concrete at variable environment." Journal of Engineering Mechanics 145, no. 2 (2019): 04018131.
Pathirage, M., F. Bousikhane, M. D’Ambrosia, M. Alnaggar, and Gianluca Cusatis. "Effect of alkali silica reaction on the mechanical properties of aging mortar bars: experiments and numerical modeling." International Journal of Damage Mechanics 28, no. 2 (2019): 291-322.
Di Luzio, G., M. Pathirage, G. Cusatis, and E. Masoero. "A Parameter-Free Multiscale Framework for the Self-Desiccation in Cementitious Materials." In 5th Workshop on The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete 2019, pp. 435-444. ITA, 2019.
Angiolilli, Michele, Amedeo Gregori, and Gianluca Cusatis. "Lattice Discrete Particle Model (LDPM) per la caratterizzazione del comportamento a taglio delle murature storiche di pietrame irregolare." Lattice Discrete Particle Model (LDPM) per la caratterizzazione del comportamento a taglio delle murature storiche di pietrame irregolare (2019): 40-50.
Cibelli, Antonio, G. Di Luzio, L. Ferrara, G. Cusatis, and M. Pathirage. "Modelling of autogenous healing for regular concrete via a discrete model." In 10th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, FraMCoS-X, pp. 1-12. IA-FraMCoS, 2019.
DI LUZIO, G. I. O. V. A. N. N. I., and G. I. A. N. L. U. C. A. Cusatis. "Size effect for samples with blunt and sharp notches using linear cohesive crack law." In 10th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, FraMCoS-X, pp. 1-10. IA-FraMCoS, 2019.
Alnaggar, Mohammed, Daniele Pelessone, and Gianluca Cusatis. "Lattice discrete particle modeling of reinforced concrete flexural behavior." Journal of Structural Engineering 145, no. 1 (2019): 04018231.
Li, Weixin, Zhefei Jin, and Gianluca Cusatis. "Size effect analysis for the characterization of marcellus shale quasi-brittle fracture properties." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 52, no. 1 (2019): 1-18.
Di Luzio, Giovanni, and Gianluca Cusatis. "Cohesive crack analysis of size effect for samples with blunt notches and generalized size effect curve for quasi-brittle materials." Engineering Fracture Mechanics 204 (2018): 15-28.